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Employee Engagement

The Behavioral Science of Employee Engagement: Evidence-Based Methods for Workplace Vitality

Area of Expertise

BeSci Applied to Employee Engagement

Fostering employee engagement in large organizations drives higher productivity, creativity, and retention, leading to a more positive workplace culture. It can be an elusive theme but behavioral science helps answer key questions like:

  • How can organizational cultures nurture continuous engagement and motivation?
  • What behavioral strategies effectively foster a commitment to personal and organizational growth?
  • Which evidence-based interventions are most effective in enhancing employee engagement?

Employee engagement is about aligning individual aspirations with organizational goals. Leveraging behavioral insights, we develop and deploy strategies such as Growth Mindset to foster this alignment and create a culture that celebrates learning, adaptability, and resilience.

How We Work at Neurofied: applying behavioral science to change management

The Business Case for Employee Engagement

Discover how our evidence-based approach to employee engagement can minimize turnover, boost productivity, and create a work environment where every individual feels valued and driven. Together, we can build a workplace that not only adapts to change but thrives in it.

To showcase the business value of nurturing a culture of continuous learning and feedback, we designed a flowchart that shows how an evidence-based change intervention such as a Growth Mindset initiative affects your engagement and other relevant metrics.

Depending on your unique situation and needs, we will identify, design, and implement the change interventions that will most directly impact the metrics and goals you want to achieve.

Employee Engagement and Growth Mindset business case impact by Neurofied

Why Behavioral Science in Employee Engagement?





Teams we work with on Engagement

Training in Employee Engagement is especially relevant for:
  • Human Resources (HR) teams
  • Organizational Development teams
  • Change Management teams
  • Leadership and (Executive) Management teams
  • Talent Development teams
  • Marketing and Communication teams

    Our Services

    How do you want to involve us in your engagement initiatives? We tailor each service to your situation and goals.


    Request a speaker, tailored training, or training program.


    Solve organizational challenges with behavioral insights and interventions.

    Neurofied Change Management

    Change Management

    Add behavioral expertise to your change management team.

    Client Case

    Growth Mindset in the Energy Transition

    We led a Growth Mindset cultural change initiative at a leading Dutch energy provider to increase their people’s agility and resilience during the energy transition. Growth Mindset stands for the belief that skills and abilities can be developed, and that effort is central in this process. It can help professionals embrace uncertainty, dare to make mistakes, and improve rapidly through trial and error. But how can you instill the mindset, habits, and behaviors that it produces in thousands of employees?

    Growth Mindset in the Energy transition client case for Employee Engagement


    in Employee Engagement

    In many organizations, the main challenge is not coming up with employee engagement strategies, but in effectively implementing them to foster genuine, lasting engagement. Traditional approaches often prioritize superficial metrics over meaningful behavioral change.

    Behavioral science helps you understand what truly drives engagement at every level: individual, team, department, and organization. Our evidence-based approach focuses on modifying the underlying systems and processes that influence everyday work experiences, making engagement an integral part of the culture.

    We provide customized training that equips your team with cutting-edge behavioral science insights and practical interventions. These are tailored to address your unique challenges, ensuring that your strategies for enhancing engagement are both scientifically grounded and effectively actionable.

    Growth mindset training Neurofied - Employee Engagement

    Example Growth Mindset Training outline

    Here you can find an example of one of the key building blocks of employee engagement: cultivating a Growth Mindset. We can design and tailor trainings for other engagement-related topics.

    1. Core principles

    We kick off with the core principles of Growth Mindset that every team needs to know.

    • Find out how fixed and growth mindset influence your stakeholders decisions

    • Identify which elements can enable Growth Mindset and how to leverage them

    • Understand how changes in context shape mindsets and how you can leverage this

    2. Framework for Growth Mindset culture

    Learn how to achieve lasting and positive behavioral change by using a validated framework that aligns priorities, behaviors, and processes.

    • Learn to set clear and actionable  priorities

    • Identify desired behaviors and turn them into scalable habits

    • Optimize systems and processes to reinforce changes

    3. Real-world examples

    See how leading organizations applied Brain & Behavior to achieve successful change in cases like…

    • creating cultures of diversity & inclusion

    • cultivating an organizational growth mindset

    • fostering constructive conflict to increase employee engagement and performance

    4. Intervention toolkit

    Expand your Growth Mindset toolkit with step-by-step evidence-based behavioral interventions that help you…

    • Stimulate learning with Growth Mindset vocabulary 

    • Recognize a fixed mindset in employees and help them shift to a Growth Mindset

    • Run more effective meetings through shared goal-setting
    5. Interactive workshops

    By splitting up in groups, you’ll tackle change challenges unique to your organizations using newly learned tools and interventions. Examples of workshops are…

    • Designing systems of feedback and learning

    • Cultivating Growth Mindset habits unique to your organization

    • Crafting a Growth Mindset narrative for executive buy-in
      6. Q&A

      The training is highly interactive and we encourage questions and dialogue but we’ll make sure to reserve time to recap and deep dive into pressing questions.

      Webinar: Growth Mindset for Employee Engagement

      Here is an excerpt from one of our webinars on Growth Mindset, one evidence-based method to drive engagement across your organization.

      Or watch more webinars and interventions on the Neurofied Youtube channel.

      Change Management or Consulting

      in Employee Engagement

      Understanding and enhancing employee engagement goes beyond training; it’s about embedding it into the very fabric of your organization. Our change management and consulting services offer strategic and hands-on support, encompassing everything from behavioral strategy and insights to design and change implementation. Drawing from behavioral science and industry experience, we’ve developed a suite of evidence-based interventions tailored to enhance employee engagement.

      Our goal is threefold: achieving your engagement objectives, making your processes more behaviorally informed, and building robust internal capabilities for behavioral change. This holistic approach ensures not just temporary boosts in engagement metrics, but a lasting transformation in your organizational culture, enhancing productivity, innovation, and overall employee satisfaction.

      Organizational growth mindset Business team climbing giant handshake with support of leader

      Ready to transform your organization?

      Leverage behavioral science for employee engagement.

      Share your context and challenges with us in a free 60-minute consultation. Walk away with actionable behavioral insights and interventions, tailored to your needs, that can be turned into a comprehensive proposal.

      Customer Journey training with brain and behavior insights by Neurofied