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Planning & Risk Management

Webinar 1 in our series on Behavioral Science in Organizational Change Management

Webinar based on our upcoming book

In 2023, Philip Jordanov and Beirem Ben Barrah wrote a book on applying behavioral science in organizational change management. It will be published globally by Wiley in May 2024 and we designed this webinar series to share the behavioral insights and evidence-based interventions discussed in the book with change management, HR, DEI, L&D, and other professionals.

Book-Related Webinar Series

The book explores evidence-based change, a behaviorally informed and human-centric methodology for managing change across your organization. Here is a book outline:

  • Part 1 discusses the fundamentals of…
    • Organizational Change Management
    • Behavioral Science
    • Behaviorally Informed Change Management
    • Evidence-Based Interventions
  • Part 2 explores how BeSci can be applied in 6 areas of OCM…
    • Planning & Risk Management (focus of this webinar)
    • Narrative & Communication
    • Leadership Support
    • Stakeholder Engagement
    • Measuring Change
    • Learning & Development

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Planning & Risk Management Webinar

Wednesday December 13, 2023 at 12 AM CET on MS Teams

Discover how to integrate behavioral science into your change planning and risk management strategies. In this webinar designed for professionals committed to driving lasting change in their organizations, we’ll discuss…

  • Behavioral insights in planning: Understand how to apply behavioral science principles to improve strategic planning. Learn methods that ensure your plans are adaptable and resilient.

  • Identifying and managing risks: Explore how behavioral barriers & biases affect risk perception and decision-making. We’ll provide strategies to recognize and mitigate these risks in your planning processes.

  • Two evidence-based interventions: We’ll cover two specific, research-backed techniques that enhance planning and risk management in organizational change initiatives.

Date: Wednesday December 13, 2023
MS Teams (link in email after you register) 

Your webinar host

Philip Jordanov - Neurofied - cognitive neuropsychologist and lead consultant & trainer

Philip Jordanov

Cognitive Neuropsychologist & Behavioral Strategist