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Evidence-Based Change webinar

The behavioral psychology and neuroscience behind
effective, positive, and lasting change

Evidence-Based Change webinar

Wednesday November 2, 2022 at 12 AM CET on Zoom

In times of uncertainty, change is the only constant in organizations and human behavior is the key driver for leading successful, long-term change.

In this webinar, Philip Jordanov (cognitive neuropsychologist) will discuss how to apply evidence-based change management interventions to organizational challenges. From managing risk and planning, to constructing effective change narratives and cultivating new habits: this webinar will expand your change toolkit and make you more adaptive, agile, and resilient in times of disruption.

Date: Wednesday November 2, 2022
Zoom (link in email after you register) 

Evidence-based change webinar

Your webinar host

Philip Jordanov - Neurofied (Cognitive neuropsychologist)

Philip Jordanov

Cognitive Neuropsychologist & Behavioral Strategist