The effects of colors on behavior
Have a look at the advertisement below. What will you focus on first? Your gaze is most likely drawn to the highlighted woman. That’s the whole point of using... Read more.
The online dialogue: Conversion optimization with storytelling
Storytelling can make you more attractive to others. Evolutionary, storytellers have many advantages. If you’re a good storyteller, you have better chances... Read more.
The untold secret to avoiding price pain
Everytime we make a purchase, we experience price pain. These scientifically proven tactics will relieve your customers' brains of the pain of paying.... Read more.
You will never trigger psychological backfiring again
Neuroscience and psychology are exciting and hold a lot still uncovered potential. What is often conveniently left unmentioned is a phenomenon called psychological... Read more.
Intuitive website design to reduce friction
You know it, and you learned to fear it: Friction, the threat to high conversion. In this article, I am going to lay out how understanding the fundamentals behind... Read more.
Cognitive biases that restrict your professional judgment
All too often we try to convince others and ourselves that a decision or behavior was not our fault. Was it really your colleague’s task to remind you of sending... Read more.
Scarcity and urgency to improve your sales
Have you ever used for finding a place to stay on vacation? If so, you’ve probably come across these messages in red letters below an offer: ‘Last... Read more.